Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Winter with the Byers

Gavin at killer hill. He sledded until dark that night. Caleb at Wisconsin Young Writer's Conference in Mil.

Caleb as Tom Sawyer with Huck and Sid

February has really been a fun month for us Byers! Winter can seem so long and boring, but here at the Byers House, we have kept things moving...

Gavin continues to have friends in and out... and in and out... and in and out...

Matt and Greta and the boys have continued attending a new church with much enthusiasm and have really been growing in our faith. We are truly enjoying getting to know new people and the joy of God in a whole new light!!!

Caleb surprised us this month in a play, "Tom Sawyer", as Tom Sawyer. It was a proud week for us parents, but must have been a super proud week for Caleb! We were so happy for him that he has found his niche' so to speak and loved every minute of 4 hour practices. We are looking forward to more opportunities for him to shine. He was so blessed also to have had both sets of grandparents come see his debut!

Caleb also surprised us this month with showing his ability to really spell. One day, out of the blue, he came home to tell us that he had won runner- up in the school spelling bee. The next week he would be competing in the district spelling bee. We were delighted to watch a great match of 5th -8th graders spell for about 45 min. Caleb ended up winning the bee with the word carriage, then the word mathematics. We were so proud of him as he was of himself! Next Monday will be the Regional spelling bee.
Caleb and Greta attended a Young Writer's Conference of Wisconsin in Milwaukee as well. Caleb met Mary Cassanova, Steven Layne, and other authors . It was very inspiring and gave him the boost he seemed to need for his writing block he has seemed to have this winter.
So, all in all, it was a great month. I guess Feb. is going out like a Lion. Let's hope March goes out like a lamb, because I know it is not coming in like one.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Welcome to the addiction of blogging! And congratulations to Caleb on his accomplishments! That is so inspiring!!!